Wear Facemask
Wash Your Hands Often
Covid-19: The Myth and the Answers
Covid-19: The Myth and the Answers M 1: Covid-19 spread through food especially eating chicken, eggs, and meat. A: There is no conclusive evidence that the properly cooked food transmits…
গুজবের বিরুদ্ধে এক হই
করোনা প্রতিরোধে গুজব নয়, নির্ভরযোগ্য তথ্যের উৎসে নজর রাখুন। সঠিক নির্দেশনা মেনে সর্তক হোন। WHO: www.who.int/ IEDCR: www.iedcr.org/ CDC: www.cdc.gov/
Things to do at home Isolation: Make it the best effective period of your life!
• Consider learning a new language or another skill you could use in your career. Online resources are almost endless whether through a virtual class, online forum, YouTube videos and…